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olivia park
Mar 13, 20202 min read
3 mistakes to avoid burnout at the gym
I remember questioning whether I’d ever be able to let go of the need to sweat or freaking out about holidaying in places without a gym....

olivia park
Mar 13, 20203 min read
You don’t have to stop training and do yoga to manage your stress
Training hard can look like doing the hard thing: doing something different but that doesn’t have to look like getting completely...

olivia park
Mar 13, 20204 min read
The journey of self discovery through fitness
Eat less, move more. Focus on what your body can do, not what it looks like. Listen to your body. Your values, your body, your rules....

olivia park
Mar 6, 20202 min read
NEWSFLASH: your goal doesn’t have to be creating a smaller body.
You can want to eat to thrive. You can want to eat enough so you can manage the stress of life and function optimally. You don’t have to...

olivia park
Mar 6, 20202 min read
One reason why your group fitness classes are keeping you stuck
You might be staying in the same energy system day in day out (CAVEAT: not ragging, this is how you can enhance your experience.) There...

olivia park
Mar 4, 20202 min read
Is your grip letting you down?
A common thing I hear from my clients is they know they can do heavier romanian deadlifts or dumbbell rows but their grip is the limiting...

olivia park
Feb 28, 20202 min read
How disciplined is your discipline?
Discipline is an important attribute to have. I do believe it is a form of self care. It gives you a road map, it takes the draining...

olivia park
Feb 26, 20202 min read
Two things you must do to ensure you’re training for YOU.
You don’t have to do deadlifts. Or squats. Or bench press. You don’t have to do specific exercises because that’s what you’re...

olivia park
Feb 26, 20202 min read
Hands down my fav exercise right meow: The B stance squat.
What is B stance? Taking a B stance or staggered stance is an epic way to do unilateral (single limb) training. Often single leg work...

olivia park
Feb 21, 20202 min read
No matter what, always make a pro-you choice
I was talking with a musician friend the other day. He’s incredibly intelligent in many ways and one of these ways is that he can create...

olivia park
Feb 21, 20202 min read
Each exercise starts and ends when you touch the weight.
In the video below I’m in there like swimwear just going ham. ☄️There’s no sense of awareness, set up, intention. ☄️There’s no...

olivia park
Feb 21, 20202 min read
If you’re chasing sweat in the gym, you need to read this.
It’s confusing AF when you have memes insinuating and straight up telling you that your sweat is a badge of honour. 👉It makes you...

olivia park
Feb 15, 20201 min read
Sweat doesn't equal strength
Fitness can get hairy when our expectations are not aligned with what we are doing. I love group fitness, but for some programs there are...

olivia park
Feb 15, 20202 min read
The one thing you can do to knock down the patriarchal lens in fitness ...
11, 12, 13 ... On the 14th rep he squeezed my tricep and commented, ‘Very good’. Earlier, he squeezed my hips and told me...

olivia park
Feb 15, 20202 min read
2 ways to know you’re slaying your training.
There can be a huge difference with gains when you can accurately gauge your effort level. With all the humans I have worked with over...

Olivia Park
Aug 12, 20192 min read
Full Body Workout!
Full body workout and why strength training is essential for women.

Olivia Park
Aug 12, 20193 min read
I want you to have this ability to go into any gym, to be on your own no matter what gear they have, what gear YOU have, with confidence.

Olivia Park
Aug 12, 20192 min read
It's Your Place, Too
I see you. 😟‘I have no idea what I’m doing.’ 😟‘What weight do I use?’ 😟‘What if I can’t lift the weight and drop it?’ 😟‘They’re...

Olivia Park
Aug 12, 20195 min read
What If You Focussed on Health?
This week’s post was sparked my many conversations I have head recently with some of you about weight, changing your body composition and...

Olivia Park
Aug 12, 20192 min read
Women Are Not Small Men
👉🏻 Do not fear carbs! Our bodies work much differently than men's in that we use fat more efficiently. We generally need more carbs to...
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