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olivia park
Oct 8, 20204 min read
I can't believe I waited this long to do this ...
It’s incredible that we're in October now. I'm in my 8th month in New Zealand having not been able to get back to South Korea after Covid...

olivia park
Aug 11, 20204 min read
Reframing self care: micro doses of joy
I would like to share some thoughts on something I was talking to one of my clients about in her weekly check. She’d just recently had a...

olivia park
Apr 27, 20202 min read
Strength training at home can be simple.
It's true that strength training at home is hard if you don’t have a lot of equipment. But there’s SO much that can be done to still...
olivia park
Apr 20, 20202 min read
6 things to do if you’ve been living in athletic wear for two months, now your jeans feel tight.
If you, like many people, have had a change in how your life your life because of the pandemic you may find yourself resonating with this...

olivia park
Apr 20, 20202 min read
Time is not the reason why you’re struggling with your workouts right now.
Maybe it was before this malarky (the global pandemic). But now it’s your lack of capacity. You might have some more time (or not) with...

olivia park
Apr 13, 20202 min read
How to make progress even if you don’t have equipment at home.
Whether you are on holiday with limited or no gym access or are out of the gym due to injury, schedule or in ability to get there, this...

olivia park
Apr 13, 20202 min read
Where to draw the line between do or don't
You can workout. You can also not. You can eat snacks. You can also not. You can go to bed at 2am. You can also go to bed at 8.30pm. You...

olivia park
Apr 13, 20202 min read
Two questions you need to ask yourself.
Can I? Will I? Your relationship to fitness—like any relationship—is not linear. No marriage or relationship is smooth sailing. Your...
olivia park
Apr 6, 20202 min read
You’ve been training for this.
Whether you know it or not, you have been training for this. Physically, every rep you’ve done in the gym. Every training session you...

olivia park
Apr 6, 20202 min read
Are you making this mistake with gratitude?
It happened. I broke. Yesterday, I broke. I cried hard for everything that I hadn’t been allowing myself to feel the last couple of...

olivia park
Mar 30, 20202 min read
Yes, but ...
Everyone’s telling you to start a new hobby, to start a course during the COVID 19 pandemic lock down. You’re being told to slow...

olivia park
Mar 30, 20202 min read
What you will not see from me during CONVID 19
At-home workouts. What you will see? How I program for working out at home and provide infrastructure that is all encompassing— Training...

olivia park
Mar 30, 20202 min read
How to get into the mood to workout at home
I’m not talking sexy mood, but fitness mood. Do this: Forget your warm up. Right now what we thought we knew to be true has been turned...

olivia park
Mar 30, 20202 min read
9 ways to keep moving forward in the CONVID 19 lock down
Your mind and your body are still yours even though it feels like things have been taken away without your say. with the COVID 19...

olivia park
Mar 13, 20203 min read
You don’t have to stop training and do yoga to manage your stress
Training hard can look like doing the hard thing: doing something different but that doesn’t have to look like getting completely...

olivia park
Mar 6, 20202 min read
NEWSFLASH: your goal doesn’t have to be creating a smaller body.
You can want to eat to thrive. You can want to eat enough so you can manage the stress of life and function optimally. You don’t have to...

olivia park
Feb 28, 20202 min read
How disciplined is your discipline?
Discipline is an important attribute to have. I do believe it is a form of self care. It gives you a road map, it takes the draining...

olivia park
Feb 26, 20203 min read
The one thing you must do to maximise your training.
Low energy availability is rife amongst women that kick it hard in the gym but also kick it hard in life. I’ve no doubt you’ve heard or...

olivia park
Feb 21, 20202 min read
No matter what, always make a pro-you choice
I was talking with a musician friend the other day. He’s incredibly intelligent in many ways and one of these ways is that he can create...

olivia park
Feb 21, 20202 min read
Sometimes I wish my superpower was rewriting the dictionary.
Especially creating new words for the fitness industry. It’s hard to talk about things, using words that everyone can relate to,...
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