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Have questions? I have answers


What equipment do I need?


It will make things easier if you have a gym that has barbells, dumbbells, cable machine, kettlebells and a rower or Assault bike. But there are resources within the platform that guide you on how to substitute exercises.


What if I don’t like it—can I get a refund?


You just need to give me 4 weeks notice and then your subscription can be cancelled. You and I can chat about how things are feeling and troubleshoot if need be! But new things are also hard! Give yourself the opportunity to see if it is for you and if not, you can cancel.


What happens after the 4 month commitment is up?


I have no doubt you’ll want to continue, but if you don’t no sweat! The program is built out as a 12-month program. If you stay in the program the monthly payments roll on, you don’t need to do a thing but continue to get gains.


How much time do I need to commit each week?


Each workout is 45-60 mins but there are options to modify if you are short on time. There are four days of lifting with shorter conditioning pieces with an optional enduring conditioning day. Any webinar or FB live that is done you will have access to watch/ listen to when it suits you.


I’m new to weight training, is this still for me?


This is not a program for beginners but if you have had at least a few months experience weight training you will be grand.


Can I pause my membership?


Of course you can—LIFE! If you are off for a week there’s no need to cancel or hold as this is a year-long program. I will expect you to miss the odd week/ days. It is what you do most that counts. If you do need to take a longer pause, just give me notice and I will make that happen for you. There are resources available for travel workouts, too!


Does the program change after 4 months?


The program is ongoing. It is built in micro, macro, meso cycles, meaning every training block builds on one another. It starts with linear progression but as you go through your programming will move into different training methodologies.


What if I get sick or have to skip a day?


Not a problem. Just make a note in True Coach and move on. You are not expected to make every single workout. You are a human with a life outside of the gym.


What if I’m worried about my form?


That's what I am here for! Post videos for form checks in the Facebook group where the coaching is done. I'm in there every day giving you tweaks and tips. It might seem a bit scary to post on the group, but what you are thinking someone else is most likely wondering the same thing! 


I’ve done other virtual programs before, how is this different/better?


The main difference is this: you always have options.


Grit and Grace (and my 1:1 coaching) is built on the fundamental principle of autonomy. I provide you with a framework for your training and teach you how to self regulate through intensities, movement progressions and give you the tools to make decisions for your body and your training based on what you need.


I am not a drill sergeant, nor am I a babysitter. I am working alongside you so you create your own experience.


Most programs have you doing intense exercise for 8-12 weeks then you’re left wondering what to do. Because G&G is built as a year-long program, there’s no rush. You learn to adjust your workouts each day depending on how you’re feeling (life stress, menstrual cycle, etc) so you’re making steady, consistent progress rather than it being all then nothing.


You will become a well-rounded human by training the full spectrum of energy systems, a range of strength and power and looking after your body through thoughtful movement through mobility and stability work. 


One of the key differences with Grit and Grace is you work out but you work in. This is the grace part of the program. External change won't last unless there is internal change too. Outside of the physical training, you'll be learning how to cultivate self trust, acceptance and autonomy in life outside of the gym. We do this through weekly Facebook lives and monthly guest speakers, so you can walk out of the gym and live with the same tenacity you bring to your workouts.

© 2019 Olivia Park Coaching

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